map of the world, corporate world, war of brands, universal future, Freedom Comes with Dominance of Color of Your Love, art, contemporary art, postmodern art, conceptual, abstraction, abstract paintings, postmodernism, Nicholaas Chiao

Title of the Work of Art:

Freedom Comes with Dominance of Color of Your Love

Postmodern Art, Postmodernism
Date of Creation:
2013 - 2016
Original digital artwork
H 39 x W 53 inches

Artwork Description:
Freedom Comes with Dominance of Color of Your Love is a depiction of a map of our planet covered instead of cities and countries with designer brands. Brands appear to be distributed evenly across the planet. The artist wanted to highlight the universal property of trade and borderlessness for today's corporate world and culture. Countries are conquered by brands with much better success and higher speed than they were conquered by conventional militaries. Wars of Brands appear to have a much sweeter perspective on the future of the planet, than nuclear and conventional attacks. It is quite humane to expect that trade competition will become the only lawful competition besides culture, sports and scientific discovery among humans remaining active force. Freedom comes upon victories, adds Nicholaas Chiao.

Purchase Inquiries: cell:+1-929-370-5524
Artist's Collection

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